We are so used to hearing questions from our clients about how our website development processes work that we can just about answer them before they ask them. Consider it telepathy created by meaningful connections.
Questions like…
- How will you build and develop my website?
- How will you reach my prospects throughout the southeast Michigan area?
- How can I update my own website?
- How will you determine results?
And of course, the big one: How much is all of this gonna cost me?
And we welcome your questions! Answering them is our way of sharing our knowledge so that our clients are stronger for it in the long run.
But allow us to set a bit of a disclaimer first (you know, because we kind of have to): We wouldn’t offer blanket answers for every client. Every situation is different based on your needs, your industry, the size of your business, your budget, the results we see, your preferences, the season, the color of the grass, how many stars we see in the sky … you get it. When you work with us, our brand growth strategists will help pinpoint your needs and develop solutions that reflect your goals.
Now, with that out of the way, here are general answers to common questions we hear about our website development services for Michigan businesses as well as the many other marketing services we provide:
How will you build and develop my website?
We build websites that reflect each client’s brand personality and its audience’s demographic, so we’ll start by talking with you. A lot. And then talking with you some more after that. (Sorry, in advance, for the bad jokes you’ll hear. We think we’re funny.)
We’ll ask you what your goals are and identify what needs to happen to get you from Point A to Point B. Our website development processes are really never the same.
Some of the metro Detroit-based businesses that come to us don’t have a website at all, so we have to build it from scratch. Others have a website that hasn’t been updated since 1898 … sorry, Freudian slip … 1988, so we have to start a new website from scratch and merge it with integral elements of the existing site. Some of our clients only want their website to look prettier, some want it to sound better, and others want it to reflect their brand voice more accurately. Most want their sites to be noticed online, so we can optimize sites for search engine ranking purposes as well.
As for how long our website development process takes, that depends on factors such as whether or not you have an existing site, the functionality you need on the new site, how many services you provide, and many other matters.
See? There’s a whole lot to talk about before we get started, and even more to talk about as we aim to continue growing your brand in the future.

What services do you provide in addition to website development and design?
We’ve been developing websites for businesses in Michigan since we were founded in 2003, so it’s still a core offering. But we’ve since branched out in many directions with services including:
- Brand management
- Print and digital design
- Digital advertising
- Social media management
- Email campaigns
- Video development
- Analytical reporting
- Content writing
- Search engine optimization
- Public relations/business growth strategy
Who do you have on your team? Who will I be working with?
Who you will work with depends on your needs, but don’t worry. We’re all pretty nice. In addition to our managing partners and the executive vice president, our marketing agency consists of brand managers, designers, website developers, content writers, and social media specialists.
Do you offer e-commerce options?
Yes, we do! We can include functionality that enables consumers to buy products right from your website.
How will you reach my prospects throughout the local metro Detroit area?
We smile and wave until they wave back. No, seriously. We have many digital tools that can identify your general prospects and their behaviors, and then we can gently target them through social media posts, blogs, paid advertisements, email campaigns, and more. We also integrate and strengthen our efforts through powerful search engine optimization techniques.
How long will it take for us to see results of your digital marketing efforts and search engine optimization practices?
We think of our relationships with our clients as a cross-country road trip, not a 30-minute flight. There are some ways to get a fast ROI, and that’s good. But long-term growth is the real deal. We give our clients reports regularly to identify changes that have occurred over time, but it’s important to see the big picture: the light at end of the tunnel. Or the funnel, if you will. The more you stick with it, the more you’ll see tangible results.
What market do you serve?
We have provided website development services to just about every type of industry throughout Michigan – from manufacturing to medicine, automotive development to home development, and everything in between.
Will my website function and look the same on mobile devices?
Good question! Yes, we’ll make your website responsive. It would look and function just as well on a mobile phone as it does on a laptop or desktop. In fact, our reports indicate that half, if not more, of website users visit from a cellphone, so we place as much of an emphasis on mobile as we do on desktop.
How long has your marketing and website development agency been in business in southeast Michigan?
We have been developing websites since 2003 and expanded to full marketing services shortly afterward. We have always been in Oakland County and are currently located in Rochester, Michigan.
Do you offer hosting services?
Yes, we absolutely offer hosting services. In fact, we highly encourage our clients to come to us for hosting so that we can have better control of their websites’ security and maintenance. We can talk about this option with you one-on-one, so be sure to ask us about it.
Will I be able to update my own website after you launch it?
In most cases, yes, you can update some of the basic elements. In fact, one of our website developers and a brand manager will teach you how. For something more technical and significant, come to us for this service.
How will you identify my competitors?
You mean in addition to driving up and down that metro Detroit road you’re on and pointing them out? Well, we’ll conduct a competitor analysis using our digital tools, and we’ll keep doing so every month in order to analyze results. We’ll also generally keep an eye on their marketing techniques on a regular basis. And that’s just the beginning.
How will you identify my keywords?
Your keywords are essentially the services you provide, but we’ll take those and find the best ways to hone in on those phrases for the best results.
Do videos really work? Should my company jump on that train?
YouTube is the second-biggest social media channel on the planet, and the number of people who watch videos online generally climbs up every year. Attention-grabbing, properly optimized videos that provide your prospects with what they want can grow your brand, enhance your website, increase your visibility on social media pages, and draw traffic onto your blog channel. So, yes, for a great majority of industries, videos can be a very helpful element to incorporate into your overall marketing strategy.

How many times should I post on my social media pages?
It depends on the channel. The main thing is that you do post regularly; you can’t leave a social media channel stagnant. It’s also important to identify which channels are working best for your brand. It’s not necessary to post on all of them. In fact, if you have a channel that’s neglected, it may have negative consequences for your brand’s image.
We’ll help you identify the ideal social media channels for your marketing strategies based on your audience.
How much should I spend on paid ads, and do I have to buy them?
“Have to” is a strong phrase, but we highly recommend it. Growing a brand is based on a comprehensive strategy that makes the smartest use of multiple resources.
As for how much you should spend, how you spend those dollars is more important than how much you spend. And that’s where we come in. We’ll make sure you’re not throwing those advertising dollars to the wind.
How much will marketing and website development services cost me?
Both will depend on how much you want to grow your brand. A southeast Michigan business that only needs us to build a website, for example, wouldn’t pay the same as a company looking for a new website along with comprehensive marketing strategies. Again, we’ll talk about that with you in person, but we’re here to help, no matter how big or small your request.
Contact us for more information about our website development services for Michigan businesses or to learn more about our marketing strategies. Just make sure you have your cup of coffee ready. We’ll probably be chatting for a while.